Ignite School Innovation &
Sustainability Grant Program
Program Details
After schools open, systemic inequities continue to take a greater toll on Black school leaders than their white counterparts.
To combat this, Black Wildflowers Fund has designed this grant program to give Black Teacher Leaders access to a small, yet impactful grant (up to $10,000) to support their existing Wildflower School.
These grants will be issued by a council of teachers who are best positioned to understand and support their peers.

Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for this grant program, schools must:
Have at least one school founder who identifies as Black.
Be affiliated with Wildflower and serving more than 20 students on or before December 1, 2024.
Have a clear, time-sensitive and pressing operational need or opportunity that funding could support
Schools that have not received a BWF School Start-Up in spring 2024 or Ignite Grant in fall 2023.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for this grant program, schools must:
Have at least one Founding Teacher Leader who identifies as Black.
Be located within the United States or Puerto Rico.
Have a formal affiliation with the Wildflower Schools Foundation.
Be registered as a 501c(3) non-profit organization with the IRS.
Submit a comprehensive Planning Album that showcases a financial plan with existing grant and loan streams.