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Montessori Credential Grant Program

Program Details

Less than 5% of Montessori teachers identify as Black. We created this grant opportunity to help bridge the gap and invest in the future of Black leadership in Montessori learning environments.​Selected applicants will have their tuition paid-in-full.


All payments are made directly to the training centers and this grant does not cover application fees, books, materials, or travel expenses.


We've invested more than $290,000 to provide tuition for 32 Black educators studying at training centers nationwide.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this grant program, schools must:

  • Identify as Black.

  • Be located within the United States or Puerto Rico.

  • Plan to attend a MACTE accredited program, with the exception of certain adolescent programs


Please note: experience in a Montessori setting is not required. We encourage all Black educators in every stage of their career to apply.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this grant program, schools must:

  • Have at least one Founding Teacher Leader who identifies as Black.

  • Be located within the United States or Puerto Rico.

  • Have a formal affiliation with the Wildflower Schools Foundation.

  • Be registered as a 501c(3) non-profit organization with the IRS.

  • Submit a comprehensive Planning Album that showcases a financial plan with existing grant and loan streams.

Meet Our Montessori Credential Grantees

Are you searching for a training center?

We only cover the tuition for MACTE-accredited training programs. Click below to find a training center near you.

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