Montessori Credential Grant Program
Program Details
Less than 5% of Montessori teachers identify as Black. We created this grant opportunity to help bridge the gap and invest in the future of Black leadership in Montessori learning environments.Selected applicants will have their tuition paid-in-full.
All payments are made directly to the training centers and this grant does not cover application fees, books, materials, or travel expenses.
We've invested more than $290,000 to provide tuition for 32 Black educators studying at training centers nationwide.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for this grant program, schools must:
Identify as Black.
Be located within the United States or Puerto Rico.
Plan to attend a MACTE accredited program, with the exception of certain adolescent programs
Please note: experience in a Montessori setting is not required. We encourage all Black educators in every stage of their career to apply.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for this grant program, schools must:
Have at least one Founding Teacher Leader who identifies as Black.
Be located within the United States or Puerto Rico.
Have a formal affiliation with the Wildflower Schools Foundation.
Be registered as a 501c(3) non-profit organization with the IRS.
Submit a comprehensive Planning Album that showcases a financial plan with existing grant and loan streams.